Monday, June 6, 2011

we share the same soul

Dear Eric,

There is absolutely NOTHING I wouldn't give for one of your hugs. The way I am feeling today can only be described as, "I need a hug." I keep having visions of us reuniting, hugging and kissing. It kills me that you aren't just in the next room.

I still feel so close to you. I remember when we first started talking. It was so natural and comfortable. It was never weird or awkward with you. You are, and always have been my soulmate. We have always "gotten" each other, understood each other on a deeper level than most, and loved each other fiercely. It makes me sad that my soulmate has already moved on to the next life, selfishly, because I am here without you. It seems like most people spend their whole life searching for their soulmate. I have already found mine and now its gone. I don't believe you have more than one soulmate. I believe I have already found that one true love, that special connection, and while it makes me sad that its "over" here on earth, I am so happy and extremely grateful that I was able to have that, with you. I know I will never have that again, but thats okay. I wouldn't want it again, not with anyone else.

Sometimes when I think about our relationship, our love, our memories, and everything that made us "US" I find myself smiling. I can honestly say you made me a better person without even trying. You are the best man I will ever know. I wish that I had told you all of these things more often. I would give my life just to see you one more time, if even just for a moment. Life is pretty unbearable without you. I wish it would hurry up and be over sometimes. But for now, all I can do is try to honor you and your life by being the good person you helped show me how to be, and to try and live my life to the fullest possible.

Til we meet again my love~

Love Always,
your babygirl~

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