Saturday, April 16, 2011


Dear Eric,

Tomorrow will be eight weeks. I can not believe it has been two months since you've been gone. If it hurts this bad now, I don't want to know how bad it will hurt later. The more time that passes, the more I miss you, the more all of this becomes so real.

Today I went sailing with the Repps on their boat in Dana Point. It was a bittersweet day for sure. My first time on a sailboat. I had an amazing time. The weather was perfect, the water was clear, and the kids were laughing and playing on the boat. At one point the boat was completely surrounded by dolphins, literally HUNDREDS of them! It was so magical and beautiful.

There was one thing missing: YOU. All I could think about was how we had talked about this all winter, how we were going to go sailing with the Repps this summer, how you were so excited to get back out on the water. Jake needed his first mate. Lindsey and I aren't the greatest at handling ropes, sails, or even steering for that matter, lol. All the sailing lingo & the "work" involved with maneuvering a boat that large.. right up your alley babe. The whole time I had this lump in my throat, like I wanted to cry, but I was smiling at the same time. Very bittersweet.

I wished you could have been there for this perfect day, but Lindsey swears that seeing the dolphins were a sign you were with us. ♥

Love you SO much and missing you more each day.

Love Always,
Your babygirl~

dolphins chasing our boat, Dana Point, California

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